Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Three Time Contest Winner!

by Jamie Bennett

I actually only won one costume contest this year, and that would be the Guaranty costume contest. I won a prize pack, complete with Ryan Reynolds DVD, Halloween stuff and more... But I feel like I won three times. Winning for Guaranty was great. I have been stymied in previous years. I thought Bad Sam was an obvious winner in 2015, but I won this year. I also got a $25 gift card for the Guaranty Travel Center. We sell food there and have something like 18+ beers on tap. I spent at least $18 of my gift card on Ninkasi. 

Ninkasi is my favorite beer. When I first moved to Eugene I was drinking swill, but I went to a Rotarian benefit where they served free Ninkasi. I was hooked from that moment, and most other beers have been undesirable ever since. I participated in the Dawn of the Red costume contest this year. I didn't win, but they did send me this sweet shirt and growler.

So I won three times. I won at Guaranty, bought Ninkasi and then Ninkasi hooked my shit up with this sweet gear. If you're into beer, then you gotta buy Ninkasi. I like their Total Domination and just about everything else like #dawnofthered. Check out all of their great beers here.

Read on to see my Halloween costume, and the costume of someone who went as me for Halloween.

On the far right you can see my Halloween costume. I went as the Hulk and it was brilliant. The rest as my family went as DC Superheros. I like both DC and Marvel. I thought for a second about going as Red Hulk. Yes, there is a Red Hulk, look it up, and the reason I didn't go as him is because, no one would know who I was. I got some great photos of me taking my body paint off. You can find them on my Instagram

I had a great anniversary with my wife and our daughter. It was our seven year anniversary. To the immediate right you can see a photo of me as I appear everyday at work.


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