It is a lot of fun to do this kind of work. It is a similar process to the paintings I have done in the past, but someone is actually going to wear these. I think it's pretty cool, and I hope to do a bunch more. So far I have done four prosthetic similar to this. I have done two types of leg prosthetics and two kids corrective helmets.
Here is another prosthetic that I did. It sits a little further down on the leg. I think the Wonder Woman one sits higher up on the hip. I'm not a doctor but I am learning. I love Pabst, or should I say that a younger Jamie loved Pabst. It was suggested that I do a Pabst one, and I loved the idea. I might stay away from using so much white in the future, but this was fun. It couldn't have gone smoother. I look forward to doing more of this. I like thinking about how the designs will wrap, and the order in which I paint things factors into the timing of everything. This is just a super fun puzzle for a designer, and I hope I brought a little color to some people's lives.
Read more to see some of the kids helmets.
To the left is my first attempt at a kids helmet. I tried using some glitter spray which I liked, but the spray I bought is very unforgiving. I will look around for a better metallic spray to use in the future because metallic looks great on all these prosthetics.

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